Lista de

Ground state
"Dielectronic recombination data for dynamic finite-density plasmas. I. Goals and methodology" (2003) Badnell, N.R.;O'Mullane, M.G.;Summers, H.P. (...)Zatsarinny, O. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 406(3):1151-1165
"Solvatipn of excess electrons in supercritical ammonia" (2003) Rodriguez, J.; Skaf, M.S.; Laria, D. Journal of Chemical Physics. 119(12):6044-6052
"Relativistic effects on the nuclear magnetic shielding tensor" (2003) Melo, J.I.;Ruiz de Azua, M.C.;Giribet, C.G. (...)Romero, R.H. Journal of Chemical Physics. 118(2):471-486
"Solvation dynamics following electron photodetachment from l- in aqueous clusters" (2002) Elola, M.D.; Laria, D. Journal of Chemical Physics. 117(5):2238-2245