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Graph theory
"Forbidden subgraphs and the König-Egerváry property" (2013) Bonomo, F.;Dourado, M.C.;Durán, G. (...)Safe, M.D. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 161(16-17):2380-2388
"Arboricity, h-index, and dynamic algorithms" (2012) Lin, M.C.; Soulignac, F.J.; Szwarcfiter, J.L. Theoretical Computer Science. 426-427:75-90
"Minimum sum set coloring of trees and line graphs of trees" (2011) Bonomo, F.; Durn, G.; Marenco, J.; Valencia-Pabon, M. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 159(5):288-294
"A branch-and-cut algorithm for the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem" (2011) Delle Donne, D.; Marenco, J. Discrete Optimization. 8(4):540-554
"On the b-coloring of P4-tidy graphs" (2011) Velasquez, C.I.B.; Bonomo, F.; Koch, I. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 159(1):60-68
"Powers of cycles, powers of paths, and distance graphs" (2011) Lin, M.C.; Rautenbach, D.; Soulignac, F.J.; Szwarcfiter, J.L. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 159(7):621-627
"Linear time analysis of properties of conflict-free and general Petri nets" (2011) Alimonti, P.; Feuerstein, E.; Laura, L.; Nanni, U. Theoretical Computer Science. 412(4-5):320-338
"The clique operator on circular-arc graphs" (2010) Lin, M.C.; Soulignac, F.J.; Szwarcfiter, J.L. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 158(12):1259-1267
"Partial characterizations of clique-perfect and coordinated graphs: Superclasses of triangle-free graphs" (2009) Bonomo, F.; Durán, G.; Soulignac, F.; Sueiro, G. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 157(17):3511-3518
"A cutting plane algorithm for graph coloring" (2008) Méndez-Díaz, I.; Zabala, P. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 156(2):159-179
"Partial characterizations of clique-perfect graphs I: Subclasses of claw-free graphs" (2008) Bonomo, F.; Chudnovsky, M.; Durán, G. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 156(7):1058-1082
"Algorithms for clique-independent sets on subclasses of circular-arc graphs" (2006) Durán, G.; Lin, M.C.; Mera, S.; Szwarcfiter, J.L. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 154(13 SPEC ISS):1783-1790
"A Branch-and-Cut algorithm for graph coloring" (2006) Méndez-Díaz, I.; Zabala, P. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 154(5 SPEC ISS):826-847
"NP-completeness results for edge modification problems" (2006) Burzyn, P.; Bonomo, F.; Durán, G. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 154(13 SPEC ISS):1824-1844
"Self-clique Helly circular-arc graphs" (2006) Bonomo, F. Discrete Mathematics. 306(6):595-597
"Electronic neuron within a ganglion of a leech (Hirudo medicinalis)" (2003) Aliaga, J.;Busca, N.;Minces, V. (...)Sczcupak, L. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 67(6 1):061915-1-061915-8
"Zeus: A distributed timed model-checker based on Kronos" (2002) Braberman, V.; Olivero, A.; Schapachnik, F. PDMC 2002, Parallel and Distributed Model Checking (Satellite Workshop of CONCUR 2002). 68(4):503-522