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genetic marker
"Heterozygosity and fitness benefits of extrapair mate choice in White-rumped Swallows (Tachycineta leucorrhoa)" (2011) Ferretti, V.;Massoni, V.;Bulit, F. (...)Lovette, I.J. Behavioral Ecology. 22(6):1178-1186
"Consistency between marker- and genealogy-based heritability estimates in an experimental stand of Prosopis alba (Leguminosae)" (2009) Bessega, C.;Saidman, B.O.;Darquier, M.R. (...)Vilardi, J.C. American Journal of Botany. 96(2):458-465
"Tracking the origin of an invasive species: Drosophila subobscura in Argentina" (2009) Fernández Iriarte, P.J.;Balanyà, J.;Pascual, M. (...)Serra, L. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 22(3):650-658