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genetic engineering
"Engineered ACC deaminase-expressing free-living cells of Mesorhizobium loti show increased nodulation efficiency and competitiveness on Lotus spp." (2010) Conforte, V.P.;Echeverria, M.;Sánchez, C. (...)Lepek, V.C. Journal of General and Applied Microbiology. 56(4):331-338
"Dendritic cells expressing transgenic galectin-1 delay onset of autoimmune diabetes in mice" (2006) Perone, M.J.;Bertera, S.;Tawadrous, Z.S. (...)Morelli, A.E. Journal of Immunology. 177(8):5278-5289
"Phosphorylation of c-Fos by members of the p38 MAPK family: Role in the AP-1 response to UV light" (2005) Tanos, T.;Marinissen, M.J.;Leskow, F.C. (...)Coso, O.A. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 280(19):18842-18852
"Existence of a true phosphofructokinase in Bacillus sphaericus: Cloning and sequencing of the pfk gene" (2002) Alice, A.F.; Pérez-Martínez, G.; Sáchez-Rivas, C. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 68(12):6410-6415
"Molecular biology and medicine at the end of the XXth century " (2000) Kornblihtt, A.R. Medicina. 60(1):9-16
"Molecular biology and medicine at the end of the XXth century " (2000) Kornblihtt, A.R. Medicina. 60(1):9-16