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genetic code
"Genetic and biochemical studies in Argentinean patients with variegate porphyria" (2008) Rossetti, M.V.;Granata, B.X.;Giudice, J. (...)Batlle, A. BMC Medical Genetics. 9
"Transpecific polymorphisms in an inversion linked esterase locus in drosophila buzzatii" (2003) Gómez, G.A.; Hasson, E. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 20(3):410-423
"Control of alternative pre-mRNA splicing by RNA pol II elongation: Faster is not always better" (2003) Nogués, G.;Kadener, S.;Cramer, P. (...)Kornblihtt, A.R. IUBMB Life. 55(4-5):235-241