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"Continuous nonradioactive method for screening trypanosomal transsialidase activity and its inhibitors" (2010) Sartor, P.A.;Agusti, R.;Leguizamón, M.S. (...)de Lederkremer, R.M. Glycobiology. 20(8):982-990
"Biosynthesis of a galactose- and galacturonic acid-containing polysaccharide in Rhizobium meliloti" (1986) Ugalde, R.A.; Coira, J.A.; Brill, W.J. Journal of Bacteriology. 168(1):270-275
"Lipid-linked intermediates in the biosynthesis of xanthan gum" (1981) Ielpi, L.; Couso, R.; Dankert, M. FEBS Letters. 130(2):253-256
"Lipid-linked intermediates in the biosynthesis of xanthan gum" (1981) Ielpi, L.; Couso, R.; Dankert, M. FEBS Letters. 130(2):253-256