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gene mapping
"Chromatin and alternative splicing" (2010) Alló, M.;Schor, I.E.;Muñoz, M.J. (...)Kornblihtt, A.R. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology. 75:103-111
"Subfunctionalization of expression and peptide domains following the ancient duplication of the proopiomelanocortin gene in teleost fishes" (2005) De Souza, F.S.J.; Bumaschny, V.F.; Low, M.J.; Rubinstein, M. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 22(12):2417-2427
"Transpecific polymorphisms in an inversion linked esterase locus in drosophila buzzatii" (2003) Gómez, G.A.; Hasson, E. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 20(3):410-423
"Location and cloning of the ketal pyruvate transferase gene of Xanthomonas campestris" (1991) Marzocca, M.P.;Harding, N.E.;Petroni, E.A. (...)Ielpi, L. Journal of Bacteriology. 173(23):7519-7524