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gene insertion
"Gene-by-Temperature Interactions and Candidate Plasticity Genes for Morphological Traits in Drosophila melanogaster" (2013) Carreira, V.P.; Imberti, M.A.; Mensch, J.; Fanara, J.J. PLoS ONE. 8(7)
"Chromatin and alternative splicing" (2010) Alló, M.;Schor, I.E.;Muñoz, M.J. (...)Kornblihtt, A.R. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology. 75:103-111
"Genetic and biochemical studies in Argentinean patients with variegate porphyria" (2008) Rossetti, M.V.;Granata, B.X.;Giudice, J. (...)Batlle, A. BMC Medical Genetics. 9
"The TolC homologue of Brucella suis is involved in resistance to antimicrobial compounds and virulence" (2007) Posadas, D.M.;Martín, F.A.;Sabio Y Garcïa, J.V. (...)Zorreguieta, A. Infection and Immunity. 75(1):379-389
"Selection of early-occurring mutations dictates hormone-independent progression in mouse mammary tumor lines" (2006) Gattelli, A.;Zimberlin, M.N.;Meiss, R.P. (...)Kordon, E.C. Journal of Virology. 80(22):11409-11415
"Role of anionic phospholipids in the adaptation of Bacillus subtilis to high salinity" (2006) López, C.S.;Alice, A.F.;Heras, H. (...)Sánchez-Rivas, C. Microbiology. 152(3):605-616
"Null mutations in the essential gene yrfF (mucM) are not lethal in rcsB, yojN or rcsC strains of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium" (2003) Costa, C.S.; Pettinari, M.J.; Méndez, B.S.; Antón, D.N. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 222(1):25-32