Lista de

gene identification
"Drosophila genome-wide RNAi screen identifies multiple regulators of HIF-dependent transcription in hypoxia" (2010) Dekanty, A.;Romero, N.M.;Bertolin, A.P. (...)Wappner, P. PLoS Genetics. 6(6):1-10
"Trypanosoma cruzi amino acid transporter TcAAAP411 mediates arginine uptake in yeasts" (2010) Carrillo, C.;Canepa, G.E.;Giacometti, A. (...)Pereira, C.A. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 306(2):97-102
"The cin and rai quorum-sensing regulatory systems in Rhizobium leguminosarum are coordinated by ExpR and CinS, a small regulatory protein coexpressed with CinI" (2009) Edwards, A.;Frederix, M.;Wisniewski-Dyé, F. (...)Allan Downie, J. Journal of Bacteriology. 191(9):3059-3067
"Genes involved in the balance between neuronal survival and death during inflammation" (2007) Glezer, I.;Chernomoretz, A.;David, S. (...)Rivest, S. PLoS ONE. 2(3)
"A polar mechanism coordinates different regions of alternative splicing within a single gene" (2005) Fededa, J.P.;Petrillo, E.;Gelfand, M.S. (...)Kornblihtt, A.R. Molecular Cell. 19(3):393-404