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experimental study
"Unexpected stress-Reducing effect of PhaP, a poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) granule-associated protein, in Escherichia coli" (2011) Almeida, A.;Catone, M.V.;Rhodius, V.A. (...)Pettinari, M.J. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 77(18):6622-6629
"Macrophyte influence on the structure and productivity of photosynthetic picoplankton in wetlands" (2010) Izaguirre, I.;Pizarro, H.;De Tezanos Pinto, P. (...)Gasol, J.M. Journal of Plankton Research. 32(2):221-238
"Consistency between marker- and genealogy-based heritability estimates in an experimental stand of Prosopis alba (Leguminosae)" (2009) Bessega, C.;Saidman, B.O.;Darquier, M.R. (...)Vilardi, J.C. American Journal of Botany. 96(2):458-465
"Differential reproductive success favours strong host preference in a highly specialized brood parasite" (2008) De Mársico, M.C.; Reboreda, J.C. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 275(1650):2499-2506