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"A finite element method for stiffened plates" (2012) Durán, R.; Rodríguez, R.; Sanhueza, F. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. 46(2):291-315
"Microsatellite markers in candidate genes for wood properties and its application in functional diversity assessment in Eucalyptus globulus" (2012) Acuña, C.V.;Villalba, P.V.;García, M. (...)Marcucci Poltri, S.N. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology. 15(2):12-28
"Effective hard x-ray spectrum of a tabletop Mather-type plasma focus optimized for flash radiography of metallic objects" (2007) Raspa, V.; Moreno, C.; Sigaut, L.; Clausse, A. Journal of Applied Physics. 102(12)
"Improved explicit estimates on the number of solutions of equations over a finite field" (2006) Cafure, A.; Matera, G. Finite Fields and their Applications. 12(2):155-185