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Epithelial Cells
"Cytotoxic tirucallane triterpenoids from Melia azedarach fruits" (2010) Ntalli, N.G.;Cottiglia, F.;Bueno, C.A. (...)Caboni, P. Molecules. 15(9):5866-5877
"Mechanical strain induces involution-associated events in mammary epithelial cells" (2009) Quaglino, A.;Salierno, M.;Pellegrotti, J. (...)Kordon, E.C. BMC Cell Biology. 10
"Interplay between two RND systems mediating antimicrobial resistance in brucella suis" (2009) Martin, F.A.;Posadas, D.M.;Carrica, M.C. (...)Zorreguieta, A. Journal of Bacteriology. 191(8):2530-2540
"Bcl-XL mediates epidermal growth factor dependent cell survival in HC11 mammary epithelial cells" (2009) Romorini, L.; Coso, O.A.; Pecci, A. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research. 1793(3):496-505
"Olfactory mucosa of the South American armadillo Chaetophractus villosus: An ultrastructural study" (1998) Ferrari, C.C.; Aldana Marcos, H.J.; Carmanchahi, P.D.; Affanni, J.M. Anatomical Record. 252(3):325-339