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Decapoda (Crustacea)
"Taxonomic status of two South American sympatric squat lobsters, Munida gregaria and Munida subrugosa (Crustacea: Decapoda: Galatheidae), challenged by DNA sequence information" (2008) Pérez-Barros, P.; D'Amato, M.E.; Guzmán, N.V.; Lovrich, G.A. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 94(2):421-434
"Local and geographic variation in grazing intensity by herbivorous crabs in SW Atlantic salt marshes" (2007) Alberti, J.;Escapa, M.;Daleo, P. (...)Bertness, M. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 349:235-243
"Induction of branchial ion transporter mRNA expression during acclimation to salinity change in the euryhaline crab Chasmagnathus granulatus" (2005) Luquet, C.M.; Weihrauch, D.; Senek, M.; Towle, D.W. Journal of Experimental Biology. 208(19):3627-3636
"Changes in biomass and chemical composition during lecithotrophic larval development of the southern stone crab Paralomis granulosa" (2003) Calcagno, J.A.;Thatje, S.;Anger, K. (...)Kaffenberger, A. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 257:189-196
"Extended hatching periods in the subantarctic lithodid crabs Lithodes santolla and Paralomis granulosa (Crustacea: Decapoda: Lithodidae)" (2003) Thatje, S.;Calcagno, J.A.;Lovrich, G.A. (...)Anger, K. Helgoland Marine Research. 57(2):110-113
"Active NaCl absorption across posterior gills of hyperosmoregulating Chasmagnathus granulatus" (2003) Onken, H.; Tresguerres, M.; Luquet, C.M. Journal of Experimental Biology. 206(6):1017-1023
"Massed and spaced training build up different components of long-term habituation in the crab Chasmagnathus" (1998) Pedreira, M.E.;Romano, A.;Tomsic, D. (...)Maldonado, H. Animal Learning and Behavior. 26(1):34-45
"Long-term habituation (LTH) in the crab Chasmagnathus: A model for behavioral and mechanistic studies of memory" (1997) Maldonado, H.; Romano, A.; Tomsic, D. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research. 30(7):813-826