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"Anomalous dynamics of melanosomes driven by myosin-V in Xenopus laevis melanophores" (2009) Brunstein, M.; Bruno, L.; Desposito, M.; Levi, V. Biophysical Journal. 97(6):1548-1557
"Diffusion maps clustering for magnetic resonance Q-ball imaging segmentation" (2008) Wassermann, D.; Descoteaux, M.; Deriche, R. International Journal of Biomedical Imaging. 2008(1)
"Turing patterns inside cells" (2007) Strier, D.E.; Dawson, S.P. PLoS ONE. 2(10)
"Turing patterns inside cells" (2007) Strier, D.E.; Dawson, S.P. PLoS ONE. 2(10)
"Classical molecular-dynamics simulation of the hydroxyl radical in water" (2005) Campo, M.G.; Grigera, J.R. Journal of Chemical Physics. 123(8)
"A model-independent algorithm to derive Ca2+ fluxes underlying local cytosolic Ca2+ transients" (2005) Ventura, A.C.;Bruno, L.;Demuro, A. (...)Dawson, S.P. Biophysical Journal. 88(4):2403-2421
"Mechanistic studies on δ-aminolevulinic acid uptake and efflux in a mammary adenocarcinoma cell line" (2003) Correa García, S.;Casas, A.;Perotti, C. (...)Bermúdez Moretti, M. British Journal of Cancer. 89(1):173-177
"Three-dimensional nature of ion transport in thin-layer electrodeposition" (2003) Marshall, G.; Mocskos, E.; Molina, F.B.; Dengra, S. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 68(2 1):021607-1-021607-8
"Solvation dynamics following electron photodetachment from l- in aqueous clusters" (2002) Elola, M.D.; Laria, D. Journal of Chemical Physics. 117(5):2238-2245
"Interface dynamics for copper electrodeposition: The role of organic additives in the growth mode" (2002) De Leon, P.F.J.; Albano, E.V.; Salvarezza, R.C.; Solari, H.G. Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 66(4):4