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Differential equations
"Convergent flow in a two-layer system and plateau development" (2011) Gratton, J.; Perazzo, C.A. Physics of Fluids. 23(4)
"Convergent flow in a two-layer system and mountain building" (2010) Perazzo, C.A.; Gratton, J. Physics of Fluids. 22(5):1-7
"On the complexity of the resolvent representation of some prime differential ideals" (2006) D'Alfonso, L.; Jeronimo, G.; Solernó, P. Journal of Complexity. 22(3):396-430
"The influence of rotation in radiation driven winds from hot stars: II. CAK topological analysis" (2004) Curé, M.; Rial, D.F. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 428(2):545-554
"Relativistic effects on the nuclear magnetic shielding tensor" (2003) Melo, J.I.;Ruiz de Azua, M.C.;Giribet, C.G. (...)Romero, R.H. Journal of Chemical Physics. 118(2):471-486
"Naudts-like duality and the extreme Fisher information principle" (2000) Chimento, L.P.; Pennini, F.; Plastino, A. Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 62(5):7462-7465