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Boundary value problems
"On Nirenberg-type conditions for higher-order systems on time scales" (2008) Amster, P.; De Nápoli, P.; Pablo Pinasco, J. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 55(12):2762-2766
"On Nirenberg-type conditions for higher-order systems on time scales" (2008) Amster, P.; De Nápoli, P.; Pablo Pinasco, J. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 55(12):2762-2766
"Boundary fluxes for nonlocal diffusion" (2007) Cortazar, C.; Elgueta, M.; Rossi, J.D.; Wolanski, N. Journal of Differential Equations. 234(2):360-390
"Numeric vs. symbolic homotopy algorithms in polynomial system solving: A case study" (2005) De Leo, M.; Dratman, E.; Matera, G. Festschrift for the 70th Birthday of Arnold Schonhage. 21(4):502-531
"Symmetry properties for the extremals of the Sobolev trace embedding" (2004) Bonder, J.F.; Dozo, E.L.; Rossi, J.D. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Analyse Non Lineaire. 21(6):795-805
"Monotone discrete Newton iterations and elimination" (1995) Milaszewicz, J.P. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 30(1):79-90