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"Brief exposure to sensory cues elicits stimulus-nonspecific general sensitization in an insect" (2012) Minoli, S.;Kauer, I.;Colson, V. (...)Anton, S. PLoS ONE. 7(3)
"A composition algorithm based on crossmodal taste-music correspondences" (2012) Mesz, B.; Sigman, M.; Trevisan, M. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience(MARCH 2012)
"Repeated labilization-reconsolidation processes strengthen declarative memory in humans" (2011) Forcato, C.; Rodríguez, M.L.C.; Pedreira, M.E. PLoS ONE. 6(8)
"Differential conditioning and long-term olfactory memory in individual Camponotus fellah ants" (2009) Josens, R.; Eschbach, C.; Giurfa, M. Journal of Experimental Biology. 212(12):1904-1911
"Olfactory learning by means of trophallaxis in Apis mellifera" (2005) Gil, M.; De Marco, R.J. Journal of Experimental Biology. 208(4):671-680