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Guccione, Jorge Alberto
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
"Decomposition of the Hochschild and cyclic homology of commutative differential graded algebras" (1992) Cortiñas, G.; Guccione, J.A.; Guccione, J.J. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 83(3):219-235
"Hochschild homology of some quantum algebras" (1998) Guccione, J.A.; Guccione, J.J. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 132(2):129-147
"Decomposition of some pointed Hopf algebras given by the canonical Nakayama automorphism" (2007) Graña, M.; Guccione, J.A.; Guccione, J.J. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 210(2):493-500
"Non commutative truncated polynomial extensions" (2012) Guccione, J.A.; Guccione, J.J.; Valqui, C. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 216(11):2315-2337