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Dasso, Sergio Ricardo
"Magnetic clouds along the solar cycle: Expansion and magnetic helicity" (2011) Dasso, S.; Démoulin, P.; Gulisano, A.M. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 7(S286):139-148
"Evolution of spinning and braiding helicity fluxes in solar active region NOAA 10930" (2011) Ravindra, B.; Yoshimura, K.; Dasso, S. Astrophysical Journal. 743(1)
"Dynamical evolution of anisotropies of the solar wind magnetic turbulent outer scale" (2011) Ruiz, M.E.;Dasso, S.;Matthaeus, W.H. (...)Weygand, J.M. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 7(S286):164-167
"Dynamical evolution of a magnetic cloud from the Sun to 5.4 AU" (2011) Nakwacki, M.S.;Dasso, S.;Démoulin, P. (...)Gulisano, A.M. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 535
"Coronal transients during two solar minima: Their source regions and interplanetary counterparts" (2011) Cremades, H.; Mandrini, C.H.; Dasso, S. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 7(S286):149-153
"Anisotropic third-moment estimates of the energy cascade in solar wind turbulence using multispacecraft data" (2011) Osman, K.T.;Wan, M.;Matthaeus, W.H. (...)Dasso, S. Physical Review Letters. 107(16)