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Braberman, Víctor Adrián
"Zeus: A distributed timed model-checker based on Kronos" (2002) Braberman, V.; Olivero, A.; Schapachnik, F. PDMC 2002, Parallel and Distributed Model Checking (Satellite Workshop of CONCUR 2002). 68(4):503-522
"On improving backwards verification of timed automata (extended abstract)" (2002) Braberman, V.; López Pombo, C.; Olivero, A. Theory and Practice of Timed Systems (Satellite Event of ETAPS 2002). 65(6):60-67
"Extending timed automata for compositional modeling healthy timed systems" (2002) Braberman, V.; Olivero, A. QAPL'01, Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages (Satellite Event of PLI 2001). 52(3):227-245