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Stella de Rosellini, Ana María Cristina
"Studies on the excretion pattern of porphyrins and its use as a tool for diagnosing both symptomatic and asymptomatic cases of porphyria cutanea tarda" (1980) Magnin, P.H.;de Xifra, E.A.W.;Lenczner, M. (...)del C. Batlle, A.M. International Journal of Biochemistry. 12(5-6):873-877
"Studies on erythrocyte aminolaevulinate dehydratase I. Its purification and possible therapeutic applications" (1980) Bustos, N.; Stella, A.M.; Xifra, E.A.W.D.; C. Batlle, A.M.D. International Journal of Biochemistry. 12(5-6):745-749
"Porphyrin biosynthesis and enzymic studies in erythrocytes from normals and porphyric humans" (1980) Parera, V.E.;Stella, A.M.;De Xifra, E.A.W. (...)Del C. Batlle, A.M. International Journal of Biochemistry. 12(5-6):947-953
"Influencing its molecular weight determination" (1980) Stafforini, D.M.;Polo, C.F.;Stella, A.M. (...)Del C. Batlle, A.M. International Journal of Biochemistry. 12(5-6):757-760