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Landau, Susana J.
"WMAP 5-year constraints on time variation of α and me in a detailed recombination scenario" (2008) Scóccola, C.G.; Landau, S.J.; Vucetich, H. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 669(3-4):212-216
"Time variation of the fine structure constant in the early universe and the Bekenstein model" (2008) Mosquera, M.E.; Scóccola, C.G.; Landau, S.J.; Vucetich, H. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 478(3):675-684
"Time variation of the electron mass in the early universe and the barrow-magueijo model" (2008) Scóccola, C.G.; Mosquera, M.E.; Landau, S.J.; Vucetich, H. Astrophysical Journal. 681(2):737-746
"The time variation of the fine structure constant: A statistical analysis of astronomical data" (2008) Landau, S.J.; Simeone, C. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 487(3):857-863