Physiological and ethological mechanisms allow a widespread distribution of vertebrates through different bioclimatic areas. E. elegans occupies an extensive region in Argentina; probably as a consecuence of its special biological characteristics and strategies. This paper describes the circadian activity of the species and the seasonal variation and identifies factors influencing it, in the Monte desert. Active specimens censused in different hours, on succesive days each season, were related to day length and environmental temperature. lt is concIuded that the length and the intensity of the activity are deterrnined by the light and the temperature, respectively. Predominantly diurnal, crested tinamou activity is favored near 20"C temperatures. This renders unimodal activity curves in winter and bimodal curves in the other seasons. This behaviour is similar to that of other desert vertelxates and likely reflects an ethological adaptative strategy for the species.
Título: | Patrones de actividad de la Martineta (Eudromia elegans) en el Monte Occidental de la Argentina |
Título alt: | Activity Pattems of Eudromia elegans in the Monte Desert, Argentina |
Autor: | Kufner, Maura Beatriz |
Fecha: | 1993-09 |
Titulo revista: | El Hornero |
Editor: | Aves Argentinas. Asociación Ornitológica del Plata |
URL Persistente: | |
Ciudad: | Buenos Aires |
Idioma: | Español |
Año: | 1993 |
Volumen: | 013 |
Número: | 04 |
Titulo revista abreviado: | Hornero (en línea) |
ISSN: | 1850-4884 |
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