Guide and Pattern for the Classification ot Argentine and Neotropical Otnithological Bibliography. In this paper, 79 works related to Ornithology, which were published in Neotropica (Notas Zoológicas Americanas, Sociedad Zoológica del Plata, La Plata, Argentina) from 1954 to 1978 (Vol. 1, N° 1/Vol. 24, N° 72), are analized and classified as guide and pattern for the preparation and publication an exhaustive compilation of the Sistematized Argentine an Neotropical Ornithological Bibliography. From this works, 2 (2,5%) refers to Anatomy, 25 (31,7%) to Taxonomy, 32 (40,5%) to Zoogeography, 1 (1,3%) to Biology, 17 (21,5%) to Ecology (including Bird Banding and Migration), and 2 (2,5%) to Applied Ornithology. We hare not taken into account for determining the percents the affinity or relatedness of subjects, e.g. papers that can be inc1uded in to more than one subjects. They cover 579 species and subspecies corresponding to the 64 following families: Spheniscidae (8), Rheidae (1), Tinamidae (31), Podicipedidae (4), Diomedeidae (6), Phalacrocoracidae (7), Ardeidae (10), Ciconüdae (2), Threskiomithidae (4), Phoenicopteridae (1), Anhirnidae (1), Anatidac (31), Accipitridae (13), Falconidae (5), Cracidae (5), Phasianidae (3), Aramidae (1), Rallidae (12), Jacanidae (1), Rostratulidae (1), Haematopodidae (2), Recurvirostridae (1), Charadriidae (6), Scolopacidae (30), Phalaropodidae (1), Stercorariidae (8), Laridae (22), Rynchopidae (1), Columbidae (17), Psittacidae (5), Cuculidae (8), Tytonidae (1), Strigidae (11), Caprimulgidae (13), Apodidae (2), Trochilidae (13), Alcedinidae (3), Momotidae (1), Bucconidae (1), Ramphastidae (2), Picidae (14). Dendrocolaptidae (5), Furnariidae (36), Formicariidae (11), Conopophagidae (2), Rhinocryptidae (1), Cotingidae (3). Pipridae (4), Tyrannidae (62), Phytotomidae (2). Hirundinidae (10), Corvidae (1), Troglodytidae (2), Mirnidae (3), Turdidae (1), Sylviidae (1), Motocillidae (4), Ploceidae (1). Vireonidae (1), Icteridae (17), Parulidae (6), Coerebidae (2). Thraupidae (17). and Fringillidae (63). Drawings representing the results and statistics obtained in this paper are attached.
Título: | Guía y modelo para la sistematización de la bibliografía ornitológica argentina y neotropical : I |
Autor: | Daciuk, Juan; Heber, Eduardo A. |
Fecha: | 1983-06 |
Titulo revista: | El Hornero |
Editor: | Aves Argentinas. Asociación Ornitológica del Plata |
URL Persistente: | |
Ciudad: | Buenos Aires |
Idioma: | Español |
Año: | 1983 |
Volumen: | 012 |
Número: | 02 |
Titulo revista abreviado: | Hornero (en línea) |
ISSN: | 1850-4884 |
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